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Monday, 1 April 2013

Poor students.....

Oh! Poor Students
(please participate to know the students condition)

hello friends today i am going to take a sensible topic for all of us.
it was in mind for a long time and now i am teling all to you through this all words.
All of us go to college,school to learn and to become an responsible citizen in future, but today i am going to discuss with you that is really the present education system is good our the worst education system and i request all of you to please respond to it by giving your valuable comments and vote......so let's began.
friends the way students are made to study is not admirable...
first of all i like to go up the way of teaching in class, the teacher just comes in and dumps some knowledge on the dice and we just keep on looking on it and when the teacher goes just we try our level best to collect something from that as we have to represent that same in our exams .......

This is what we want to have but............
but what we are getting from the present education system is this..
gives nothing other then tension.....
and the boring theory classes, after attending that i just like to say only one thing and that is "what the ****"...
really the theory classes that is just explaining something rubbish and that too with 100 km/sec speed and then finally giving the conclusion to that...this image describes how most of the students react to such type of boring theory class.....

most of the students reaction............the only reason is that the education system is trying to manufacture doctors and engineers but they are not at least trying to create doctors and engineers........
there is a quatation saying that "todays students are tomorrows future"
so when the present is only made in this condition by the present education system then we can imagine how our future will be.
i think there should be creative classes in which students opinion should be taken into consideration and should be discussed thoroughly.
i am not saying about giving some assignment of creating some project and submitting it for getting the assignment marks..it's just worst....
indeed all classes should be like live classes rather then being as though some recorded video which played in slow mode so that all students can sleep and just be able to dream about their future...

so these were my views and i am lookig forword for your comments so that we all can come on a perticular conclusion about what is the present condition of students!!!!!!!
If you don't care for all these stuff then you can leave but remember one thing that.....

Thank you
hope you will participate......

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